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The Planet Smoothie Model Finds Traction in New and Existing Markets

One value of a successful brand is portability, and that’s what Planet Smoothie offers franchise owners, no matter where they are looking to open their doors

“There’s one on every corner.” That’s not a phrase that bodes well for a potential business owner in his or her market, unless you’re talking about a Planet Smoothie franchise. In that case, there really can’t be too many. The Planet Smoothie franchise model works everywhere!

“The value of the Planet Smoothie brand lies in the fact that we are giving consumers a menu full of great products that they want,” says John Wuycheck, Senior Vice President of Franchise Development. “That’s why our stores are successful in a city where there may be just one or two, or where there might be more than a dozen.”

The continued popularity of smoothies, and the strong positive brand recognition Planet Smoothie has, combine to make it a solid performer no matter where a store is located, he adds.

Urban, suburban areas do well

“We have Planet Smoothie franchise owners who are in suburban strip centers, and we have them in the urban core,” John says. “It’s hard to get more urban than Penn Station, where one of our busiest and most successful franchises is. This is a brand that people seek out, and so we tell potential franchise owners that if they choose a good, visible spot in their community, the customers will find them and make their store a regular stop.”

Even if a market has no existing Planet Smoothie franchise location, chances are there are residents who have heard of the brand and tried the menu in other cities or states. They’re a built-in early clientele, and the positive word of mouth they bring will help the business grow.

“It’s a tougher lift when you’re the first one on the ground, and we’re very candid with new owners about that,” John says. “But they are blown away with the name recognition they get when they open, and soon they are looking at expanding and opening a second site because the pent-up demand is so great.”

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Infill allows for more market penetration

In areas where there already are multiple Planet Smoothie franchise locations, adding more might seem counterintuitive. However, selective infilling means more convenience for regular customers, and the increased visibility brings in new business.

“If you ask any of our Area Developers, they will tell you they opened second or third stores not too far from their original location because of customer demand,” John says. “People who are in their Planet Smoothie franchise locations every day ask, ‘When will you open in this neighborhood?’ and our owners take note of that. Even if it’s fairly close by, they know that if the need is there, they can succeed from day one in that new location.”

Planet Smoothie is an established brand that stands out in the competitive smoothie market by focusing on nutrition and taste. That means reducing sugar and calories, increasing vitamins and antioxidants — and keeping great taste. Planet Smoothie’s customer-focused approach to providing delicious and nutritious smoothies has given the brand a serious competitive advantage with diet-conscious consumers. As part of the Kahala Brands family, Planet Smoothie franchise owners enjoy deep and comprehensive support from an experienced and dedicated team.

Learn more about Planet Smoothie Model here!

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